Sunday, February 21, 2010

i'm pretty sure i just got slammed

So. Right. Teenagers are so much fun. And not at all damaging to my ego. Take, for example, the conversation I just had with Ryan. We were watching The Amazing Race and some sort of pet commercial came may have had dogs or cats or, I don't know, maybe even ferrets or something. But whatever it was, Ryan and Emily completely jumped on it...

Emily: Awww...

Ryan: See, Mom! We need a pet!

Emily: Yes, we totally need a pet! It could be anything...I mean a dog, a cat, a fish, a could even be a pet rock, Mom!

Me: Well, we could have a pet squirrel!

Ryan: Yes!

Me: Of course, it would have to be an outdoor pet.

Ryan: (eyeroll) Oh, come on...We NEED a dog!!

Me: What would you do with a pet?

Ryan: Um, play with it...I need some company!!

Me: There are six people in this house...what do you mean you need some company?

Ryan: I just really want the company of someone I would like to be around...

Me: ...

Ryan: Oh, I mean, someone other than you, of course...

Wow. Really.

And before you take his side and are all like, "Aww. Poor thing. He totally needs a dog!" This is the part where I say that we used to have a dog. A beautiful, if not completely gaseous, dog named Belle. Love her. But she made Emily look like she had been punched in the eyes (ALLERGIES!). And then we moved to a 900 sq. ft. condo in Myrtle Beach. So Belle now leads a wonderfully fabulous life full of people who love her to pieces...and a trombone. And the last time we saw Belle, Jackson needed Benedryl after spending about 3 minutes with her (ALLERGIES!). So, yeah, dogs are pretty much out of the question for us. So you can go back to being all...Ugh! Teenagers!!


Anonymous said...

I really have no comment..understand the allergy part for terriers are just great for those with allergies (:

Your sister with the best dog ever,

Kate and Lola

Carrie said...

Sweet Lola!

I do know there are dogs that are easy on the allergies...but do you know if there are any breeds that don't poop? Because there is not one other person in this house that doesn't shoot daggers out of their eyes when I suggest they pick up their dirty clothes off the floor. I'm pretty sure that means picking up poop in the backyard is going to be a problem...

Maya said...

can you convince mom to let me get a dog? i'll change my mind about getting a gigantic dog for a small one if she lets me! =)

Carrie said...

I hate to break it to you, Maya, but we'll be getting a dog way before you do. Oh, and we're not getting a dog. Sorry darlin'!