When you walk in the door after being away for a couple of hours and the kids say, "Mom, look what we did!" you never really know what you're going to get. Perhaps they have dumped all of the boxes of crackers in the pantry into a pie dish to make cracker pie.* Or maybe they decided that your white loveseat needed a splash of color, so they decorated it with blue, orange, purple and black crayon.** Or maybe they drew a beautiful picture on your window...using string cheese.*** Or an equally beautiful picture on your carpet using markers.**** Or perhaps they decided to decorate their bedroom door with all of the stickers in their new sticker book.*****
* = Ryan
** = Emily
*** = Jackson
**** = Ainsley
***** = Jackson and Ainsley
Kids have amazing imaginations, and while most of the time it leads to fantastic results like a truly fascinating story or a gorgeous picture or even the most fun afternoon playing outside, there is always the chance it can end in trying to clean string cheese off of your windows, which honestly, isn't as easy as it sounds.
So, when Jenny and I came home from running some errands over Christmas vacation to the chorus of "Look What We Did," from all seven kids, I have to admit I was a little nervous. I mean, the dads were here, but the crayons on the loveseat? That happened when Doug was 5 feet away the entire time! But this was truly the coolest surprise!
Have you ever heard of Bendaroos? Go ahead and check them out for a minute...I'll wait...
So, pieces of super strong string covered by some kind of wax that can be twisted and shaped into just about anything. Jackson got a box for Christmas and the kids all got in on the action and had a great time!
This is what you see when you walk up our stairs:

And right next door to that...
Jack and Ainsley's door is already covered in stickers, so the kids decided to decorate the inside of their room instead with this...
and this...
and this...
Moving on...
And then...
And my personal favorite...
You cannot get lost upstairs now. It's been about a month and everything is still up. Well, except for the decorations in Jack and Ainsley's room, which had to come down because we finally painted the room! And I feel like we shouldn't be the only ones having all the fun here, so I'm going to give away a box of Bendaroos to one of you! All you have to do is leave a comment and tell me your favorite "Look what we did!" moment, good or bad.
(Open to U.S. only. Winner will be chosen at random from all entries received by Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 8:00pm E.S.T. The prize of one box of Bendaroos (Mega Box - 500 pack) is provided by me, Carrie, Mother of the Crazy...Bendaroos has never heard of me. I just think you should have some because they're pretty cool!)
hi carrie its maya! even tho we probably wouldn't be able to use bendaroos on our doors, i still want some! =)they were fun to use and i want to do that again when we go to your house this summer! and so you know, we (as in me, meg, and gavin, mostly me!) want the bendaroos!! and i love the bendaroos on emmy's door! i helped... and the one above ainsleys bed i liked too... well, pretty much all of them! so yea! love you and the rest! bye! xoxoxo
Imagine my surprise when I went to read this comment and saw that I was the one who left a comment...?! That child!!!
pretty sure this is one contest I won't enter...but thanks for the offer~ love the Paola Millers
I honestly can't think of a time when my kids have said, "Look what we did!" They must know better! ;-) I do remember one time when Maya was 2 and she found my BROWN eyeliner. She decided to draw on a bench that we had which was covered in CREAM fabric. I spent too long with a toothbrush and soapy water trying to get it out!
Hi Carrie! Our favorite Look What We Did! moment was when Ms. Beaumont (my kindergarten teacher) had to call my mom to warn her that I had used Playdough as hair gel. It took 3 or 4 hair washes to get it all out!;)
BTW, if I win them, you could save on postage and just bring them when you come for the sleepover and we could all mess arond with them!
P.S. the playdough was green.
Brody didn't say, "look what we did," but several months ago we had a rather peculiar incident. Brody and another 3 year old were playing downstairs by themselves. We could hear them talking and playing so we assumed all was well. When I went downstairs, Brody came out of the laundry room with no pants or underwear on. He was whining, "get the poop off my sock." What in the world?!?! I checked the bathroom and there was poop in the toilet and smeared on the seat. Brody also had poop smeared up his back on on his legs. I instantly had visions of poop being smeared all over the furniture and carpet. Amazingly, there was none. He must have kept walking around instead of sitting down. Hallelujah! Neither before, nor since, has Brody pooped on his own. Did the little girl help? Was it positive peer pressure? Neither is saying. The little girl goes to our church, so I say it will be a great story when they're teens. "Hey, remember when we came downstairs and Brody didn't have any pants on?"
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