Friday, February 29, 2008
making his case
Me: No, Jack, you've already had enough.
Jack: But I want some more jelly beans!
Me: I'm sure you do. But you already had some this afternoon and you just had some Skittles. You are not having any more candy tonight.
Jack: But jelly beans aren't candy!
Me: Oh? Well, what are they?
Jack: (pause) Dinner!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
makes you wonder what the other fourth was thinking
Ryan, of course, was extremely annoyed.
Ryan: What time is it?
Me: It's almost 5:00pm.
Ryan: I think Emily and I could have walked home faster.
Me: I'm sure you could have.
Ryan: Seriously, I had three-fourths a mind to go tell the principal to let us walk home!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
shopping for his birthday will be a breeze this year
Jack: Ooohh, a door. I need a new door. Can we get a door?
Doug: Um, no, I don't think we're getting a new door today.
Jack: Well, maybe I will get one for my next birthday!
Doug: You want a new door for your birthday?
Jack: Yeah!
A few minutes later:
Jack: Oh cool! An oven! (opening the oven door) Awesome!
And a few minutes after that:
Jack: Ooohh, carpet. I love carpet! Can I get carpet for my next birthday?
vicious cycle
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Guest Blog - The Charlotte Anthem
lunar eclipse

Doug took this one last night too, and although it doesn't really have anything to do with the eclipse, I think it's a great picture.
why it was only $1

Pretty cool poster, huh? And if you're not familiar with the movie Cars (meaning you haven't seen it 5,785 times like we have!) you might not notice anything is amiss. In fact, Doug and I both missed it until we looked at it closely the next day. But when you do look closely, you will see this:

and this:

Even though it very clearly says Lightning McQueen on the bottom of the poster, this red car is actually the Ferrari, not Lightning McQueen. Now, Jack could totally not care less, because he thinks the Ferrari is pretty awesome too. And there are some actual Lightning McQueen stickers on the sticker sheet, so he wasn't even the slightest bit disappointed. But I couldn't help feeling a little bit ripped off.
I think someone must have had too many margaritas on the job.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
- Ainsley's surgery went just as it was supposed to: The ENT doc put the tubes in her ears and was able to remove lots of grossness (eyeroll! I'm sure it's a word!). The plastic surgeon harvested a piece of her rib and the oral surgeon used that piece to form a brace between the two pieces of bone in her upper gum with the expectation that the new cells from her rib will help to fill in the gap between the bones and form one alveolar ridge. She now has a small incision on her ribcage and her upper gum line is in one piece...and she was able to keep all of her teeth!
- Our hospital stay was not fun, but just like last time, once we were able to leave the hospital, Ainsley made remarkable improvements. I'm sure that had almost everything to do with having 4 adults at her beck and call, endless walkabouts, and a wagon made from a laundry basket and a belt.
- At her follow-up appointment yesterday Ainsley got a glowing report. The oral surgeon said her mouth looked great and gave us the okay to take off her arm immobilizers! Then the plastic surgeon said her incision had healed nicely and she was cleared for tub baths! And she had another tympanogram and the audiologist said there is definite movement in her eardrums (She didn't actually "pass" this test, but they usually don't do a post op test until 4 weeks and it had only been 12 days...movement is definitely encouraging and we'll take her in for another test in a few weeks).
- Ainsley's killer cold/cough is starting to wane and she actually slept for 5 1/2 hours last night. ALL. AT. ONCE. (Unlike 2 nights before when she woke up every 45 minutes...Sorry Quandts!!)
And so that's that! Two down and one to go! We should be getting the call soon to let us know when her next surgery will be...the plastic surgeon told us yesterday that it should be in 3-4 months, so May or June. And the really fun part? Ainsley needs to be weaned from the bottle and sippy cups before that surgery. Basically, when he creates her new palate, for the first 6 weeks it will be like wet toilet paper. Just about anything can puncture it. No sucking on bottles or sippy cups and no eating anything with texture (just level 1 baby foods, pudding and applesauce!). So, we started tonight having her drink from a real cup, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She was able to drink a few sips without choking or gagging or giving me a shower, so I think that's a good start!
A few other items of note from the past few weeks:
- Ryan ROCKED at singing the National Anthem. He'll be blogging about that soon and maybe we can even load the video for you to see.
- Ryan and Emily both got straight A's on their 2nd quarter report cards. I think this is the first time they have both gotten straight A's at the same time. Fantastic!
- The kids had a great time with Grandma Mary...and she left a spaghetti pie in the freezer that I think was the best she has ever made!!
- I got my hair cut. It's Katie Holmes before she got the cut with the bangs. I like it. I could actually be Katie Holmes. Without the killer legs. And the ridiculous amounts of money.
- Ainsley has a new tooth...on the bottom...#7 if you're counting.
- And last, but certainly not least: Congratulations to my fabulous sister Kate and her equally fabulous boyfriend John, who is not her boyfriend anymore...but her fiance!! They got engaged on Valentine's Day. We are all sooooo excited for them!
And now I'm off to bed. Sorry for the absence. It's good to be home.

Friday, February 1, 2008
another one bites the dust
Ryan is still home from school (day 5 for all of you who are counting). I took him to the doctor yesterday...she took one look at his face and said, "Look how congested you are! Poor thing!" Yes, his face was totally puffy from his overflowing sinuses. Then she took one look at his throat and said she would bet the farm it was strep. Nope. Hmmm...the flu? Nope. Turns out, just a nasty sinus infection, so she put him on an antibiotic and a heavy duty decongestant and today he's feeling much better. He actually asked for food this afternoon, which hasn't happened all week.
Emily is also home today. She complained of a sore throat when she got home from school yesterday, so I pumped her full of Gatorade all afternoon and a dose of Airborne before bed. She woke up at about 4:30 am completely frustrated because, "I'm blowing my nose and nothing is coming out!!" She felt a little warm too, so I gave her some Motrin and told her to turn off her alarm, because she wasn't going to school. Mostly, it's just her congestion that's bugging her today...throat doesn't feel as bad and she doesn't have a fever right now. So, again, pumping her with fluids and bed rest today and hoping that we nip this in the bud.
So far, Ainsley is doing well. A little bit of a runny nose, but the doctor took a look at her yesterday and said everything else looks good...her weight is good, her chest is clear, her ears are full of fluid, but not infected. She said as long as she doesn't get a fever, she'll be good to go for her surgery next week. Of course, now she has a small indentation on her forehead from me pressing my lips against her, checking for fever every 30 seconds. But I'm sure that will go away.