And this adorable munchkin, just as quickly, has turned into a smart, athletic (and sometimes dramatic!), beautiful, young lady. TEN YEARS! How in the world did that happen??
For her 10th birthday, Emily wanted a day of pampering and shopping with her mom. We started off at Old Navy, hoping to score some of the $1 flip-flops they had on sale, but we got there a couple hours too late! So we went to Bath and Body Works and got these matching flip-flops:

Then after a quick trip to Starbucks, we headed to the mall for her real birthday present...getting her ears double-pierced!

She picked out the emerald studs (her birthstone) and then also talked me into these cute little cupcakes (it wasn't that hard...). Next it was off to the salon for a new summer 'do:

And after yummy salad and breadsticks at Olive Garden, we headed home for her iPod cake:

It wasn't a real iPod, but she was still happy.

And what kind of cake did my little "Southern Belle In Training" want? Why, Red Velvet, of course! Very colorful!

And after cake, we all piled in the car and headed to Knights Stadium to watch the Indianapolis Indians beat the Charlotte Knights. It was our first trip to Knights Stadium, and while it's no Victory Field, we had a great time cheering for the Indians and even stayed for the fireworks after the game.

Happy #10 Mimi! Love you so much!! xoxo
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