I don't really know how it happened. I mean, one minute Ainsley was screaming and I was opening a box of Nilla Wafers so I could give her a few with the hope of keeping her quiet for 10 minutes, because really, I just wanted to be able to make dinner for the next couple of nights. And then Ryan started freaking out because he was sure I was going to get arrested for opening a box of Nilla Wafers without yet paying for them, even though I assured him I would pay for them when we checked out and Jack kept asking if he could get a car (Hot Wheels - although I'm sure discussions about a real automobile are not far behind) and I think somewhere in the chaos, Emily sneaked in the, "Remember last time we were here and you said maybe we could try these crackers someday?" And the next thing I know, these are on the conveyor belt.
These kids are good. I'm quite sure they were giving each other high-5's in the car while I finished loading all the groceries.
And I could tell you that these really do taste like Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, but then I would be admitting that I tried them. Which I'm not going to do. And so instead, I will change the subject...
Hey, this is my 100th post!! Yay me!! (And you, of course, for reading! Yay you!!)
I've been wondering about those crackers!!!!!!!!! ~Beth
that sounds just like my mom when she takes us kids to the store exept brady is worse than all of us and my mom gets really mad with him. im sorry but i just think its hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, they weren't totally vile, but for a good cheese cracker, nothing beats Cheez-It's! (Oh, Better Cheddars are awesome too, but I don't think they make them anymore!)
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