I cannot tell you how thrilled the kids were when they woke up this morning to SNOW! And an honest-to-goodness SNOW DAY! With enough snow to actually PLAY in!! By 8:00 am they were begging me to go out...because they know that snow doesn't hang around here very long. So we went out early. Emily started to shake the branches on the tree to make it snow again, while Ryan and Jack started in right away with the snowballs...

I sure hope this poor tree bounces back...

Jack couldn't wait to make a snow angel!

Emily sits atop her giant snowball...

Ainsley was very excited about the snow...oh, except she didn't want to step in it. Or touch it. Basically, she just wanted one of us to hold her. Maybe next time...
We played outside for about 45 minutes or so and then the sun started to come out. By this afternoon, most of the snow in our yard had melted, but the big hill in the Erb's backyard still had snow, and they invited us to go sledding. By the time we were through, the kids were sledding down a hill of snow into a giant puddle of mud, but no one seemed to mind. Finally, a fun snow day!
ok - no fair ~ we haven't even had a snow day yet this year!!!! ~Beth
Cute little punkmin head
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