I absolutely love making Thanksgiving dinner. It is my favorite of all dinners. And I just found out this weekend that Mom and Dean are coming in addition to Holly and Justin! (Open Invitation - anyone else planning on being in the area?? Please come to dinner!)
Now, here's the thing. I haven't quite nailed down the menu and this is where I need your help. Think about these questions and when you have a minute, leave your comment in the comments section. (I know this didn't work so well when I asked you to vote for your favorite October picture -
0 comments!! Don't be intimidated! It's really easy to leave a comment!!)
Here are the questions (feel free to answer one or both...well, or neither, if you really want to be a party-
What is the dish that makes your Thanksgiving?
(I mean, your Thanksgiving just would not be Thanksgiving without this.)and/orIs there a dish
(appetizer/side/dessert) that you have thought about adding to your Thanksgiving menu, but haven't?
I usually try to add at least one new side dish with the hope that eventually, I'll hit upon the one that makes everyone say, "This is my new favorite Thanksgiving dish!" But that hasn't happened yet! I have a few ideas, but I'm really interested to hear what you all have to say! I'm going to make my final choices and post my menu here next week.
I will be
so thankful for your comments!